Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Online Textbook Access, Chapter 2 Map Assignment & Notes

Today students were given the access information to the online textbook. Students created cards that included the online textbook web address, their user name and their passwords. The user name/password is set up as follows:

User Name : KISDS (student ID #)
Password: 1
st three letters of the last name followed by student ID #

These cards are to be glued, taped or stapled to the inside cover of their class folder. This location will provide quick and easy reference for them when they need this information to log into their textbook at home. Please make sure your student has their card and that it gets attached to the inside cover of their folder. I would also encourage parents to log in to the online textbook and do a bit of exploring in order to better be able to help your student later.

Also, the students received a mapping assignment. They are to recreate a map showing the natural resources of Texas and the areas of the state in which they are found. The map is found on page 59 of their text and can also be accessed via the online textbook in Chapter 2 Section 2. It is the second map from the right in the Lesson Resources section on the right side of the page. I have also put a copy below that can be used for reference. Please note, the map key is not included on the image below but is required to be on the map your student turns in to me.

  • -  Draw the outline of the state of Texas, the bigger the better. Don’t put a tiny drawing on a large piece of paper. The bigger the outline, the easier it will be to put icons in later on.

  • -  It is not necessary to draw the surrounding states but the Gulf of Mexico should be included.

  • -  Map is to be recreated using the same icons seen in the textbook. A map key or legend is to be included showing what natural resource each icon represent.

  • -  Include the compass showing directionality

  • -  The map should be colored. I prefer colored pencils/map pencils but use what you have.

  • -  Labels in the key should be neat and spelled correctly.

  • -  Basically, if it is on the textbook map, it should be on your map.
Due date for the map is tentatively set for Friday 9/4 at the beginning of the period. 

FINALLY, the notes for Lesson 2 need to be copied and placed in the student's folder in the appropriate section. The Lesson 2 notes are below.

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