Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Natural Resource of Texas (Chapter 2 - Lesson 2)

Today, students took a practice quiz over information in their notes (Chapter 2-Lesson 2 in the online text). The practice quiz was intended to show each student whether or not he/she was prepared for a real quiz. Tomorrow, the students will take a real quiz that will count as a formative grade.

The notes from this section were discussed in class after the practice quiz. Items discussed were natural resources of Texas (oil, natural gas, limestone, etc.), water resources (major rivers, lakes, aquifers, etc.), the difference between a natural lake and a reservoir and the 3 rivers that form all or part of a border between Texas and another country or state.
Notes from today are below for any student that needs to catch up.

HOMEWORK ALERT: A real quiz over the natural resources of Texas will be given tomorrow at the beginning of class. BE PREPARED.

Also, the natural resources map assignment is due on Friday 9/4. Be making progress. Details on the map assignment can be seen on the blog post from 9/1.

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