Monday, September 21, 2015

Chapter 4 - The Early People of Texas Introduced

Today, we kicked off Chapter 4 - The Early People of Texas. It is one of my favorite topics covered in the course as it deals with prehistoric civilizations and the various Native American tribes that once made the land that would become Texas their home.

We started today by working on a "What Do You Know Sheet" about the first peoples of Texas. Students were shown a statement about Native American culture and they had to vote to "Agree" or "Disagree" with it. We took a vote by a show of hands and the majority ruled. After we had answered all the questions, I went back and led a discussion on why the statements were true or false.

After the activity, I showed the students a thematic map showing how where the tribes of Texas lived changed from 1500 to the present. Tomorrow we will get into the meat and potatoes of the the first lesson.

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