Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Wrapping up Chapter 4 - Lesson 1 Notes, Chapter 4 Vocabulary Due Tomorrow

We spent the first 30 minutes, or so, of class wrapping up our discussion on the notes for Chapter 4 - Lesson 1. The talk today centered around technological developments that played key roles in the improvement of life for stone-age people. The creation of items like the atlatl, bow and arrow, pottery and development of agriculture were discussed at length. We again touched on how dangerous hunting the mega-fauna of the day was for these early people, as shown in the illustration below.

Finally, I gave the kids the last 15 minutes of class to work on their Chapter 4 vocabulary assignment. This assignment is due tomorrow at the beginning of class. The terms and directions for the assignment can be found below in the post from 9/22.

*HOMEWORK ALERT*- Chapter 4 vocabulary due tomorrow at the beginning of class.

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