Thursday, September 24, 2015

Vocabulary Turned In, Chapter 4 - Lesson 2 Notes Started

The Chapter 4 Vocabulary was due at the beginning of the period today. While most of the students turned in their assignment, far too many did not. Please double check with your student and make sure they did turn in their vocabulary assignment and that they are keeping up with their work.

Once the vocabulary was turned in, we continued with the Chapter 4 notes, this time over Lesson 2 in the online textbook. This lesson jumps forward from the pre-historic Texans and begins discussion the various tribes of Native Americans that called what would become Texas home prior to European settlement. We started with the Southeastern - Gulf Coastal region. The first two tribes discussed were the Caddo and the Karankawa. We will continue tomorrow with the Atakapan and Coahuiltecan tribes. Full notes for the tribes of the  Southeastern - Gulf Coastal region, and a couple of illustrations showing Caddo settlements I shared with the students today,  are below.

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