Monday, September 28, 2015

Practice Quiz, Chapter 4 Vocabulary Builder and Late Work

We started the class period with a practice quiz over Chapter 4 - Lesson 2. There were 10 questions (available to view in the online textbook) that we discussed orally. The class actually seemed to do ok on the quiz but, as it was practice, no grade was taken. These practice self-quizzes are available at the end of every lesson in the online textbook. They are a great study tool.

After the practice quiz, I allowed the students time to work on their Chapter 4 Vocabulary Builder assignment. This assignment is due tomorrow at the beginning of the period.

All late/make-up work in my possession has now been graded. If your student still has failing grades or a 0 it is because I have not received the assignment. Please be vigilant and check your student's grades and make sure they are keeping up. We are quickly approaching the halfway point of the 9 weeks. In addition, the UIL grade check is coming up this Friday. Any student with a grade of less than 70 in any class as of Friday will become academically ineligible for extracurricular activities (sports, band, choir, etc.).

*HOMEWORK ALERT*- The Chapter 4 Vocabulary Builder assignment is due tomorrow at the beginning of the period. Please make sure your student has completed it and has it ready to turn in tomorrow.

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