Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Chapter 4 - Lesson 1 Notes, Chapter 4 Vocabulary Assigned

Today, we discussed notes on Chapter 4 - Lesson 1. We discussed how the people who became the first Americans crossed the Bering Land Bridge into what is now Alaska roughly 36,000 years ago and eventually made their way to Texas. We discussed the hunter-gatherer culture, hunting techniques, the mega-fauna early Texans hunted, the development of the atlatl and more. The full notes from the day are below. Please make sure your student finishes up copying anything that was missed.

Also, I assigned a vocabulary assignment for Chapter 4. The assignment is a great way for the students to earn an easy grade and will help them better understand the terminology used in their reading and their notes. The terms and full instructions are located below after the day's notes.

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