Tuesday, March 31, 2020

3/31/20 Update: Day 5 of Online Learning

Hello, everyone. I hope this finds you all well.

Important news out of Austin today. Governor Abbott has extended social distancing protocols and mandated that all schools remain closed until at least May 4th. A letter from Dr. Craft will be coming to your email inbox soon. In it, several subjects are touched upon that could affect your student (prom, graduation, lunch and breakfast availability, etc.). I have attached the letter below just in case you missed it in your inbox.

For EHMS students and parents, this means that you are going to have to get comfortable with the online learning platforms (Edgenuity and Schoology) as they are not going anywhere anytime soon. Everyone must realize that this time out of the building is not the start of an extended summer break. School is in session and, just like when they are in the building, students are expected to do their work in a timely fashion to the best of their abilities. If you have questions about how to log on to the learning platforms, about accomodations, what to do if you have no technology access in the home, etc. please let me know. Remember, unless you contact me, a student who is unable to log on to their lessons due to having no technology in their home looks just like a student with online access who has simply decided not to do their work. Please communicate effectively. Learning packets are available from the school; we just need to know you need them.

Back to accommodations… Ms. Stall, one of our counselors, sent this out to teachers today. I now pass it along to each of you. I hope this helps.

I have had many parents reach out to me about how to access accommodations on Edgenuity. Please share this information to parents who have students receiving accommodations under 504 or Special Education.

CC (closed caption)- can be found at the bottom right of screen
Headphones- allows the text to be read aloud (has speeds of normal, fast, slow)
Stop button- allows the video to stop
II button- allows video to be paused
Highlighter- allows you to highlight text
Abc- allows access to online dictionary”

Finally, I have been getting a lot of email from students and parents who are very concerned about the grade showing up in Edgenuity. I felt like it would be easier for me to talk to you directly (rather than try to type it out), so I made a couple of short videos you can view. If you still have questions after viewing them, please let me know.

More tomorrow and/or as needed. Stay well.


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