Thursday, April 2, 2020

4/2/20 Update: Some Concerns

There is not much in the way of news today, but there are a couple of concerns I have that I would like to share with parents and students.

First, students are really struggling with the 2-3 essay questions that are included in each learning module. It is true that the computer grades based on a pretty tough algorithm; however, far too many students are exhibiting too little effort in attempting to answer these questions. The bottom line is that if a student answers these questions using sentence fragments or by writing only one line, they will not get credit. Also, students are writing in answers that have nothing at all to do with the question being asked. This is simply a matter of paying a attention. You will not get credit unless you answer the question that was actually asked.

Second, I am starting to see students copy and paste answers to these essays from other internet sites. Wikipedia seems to be a popular source. Plain and simple, this is called plagiarism and is illegal; it is also blatant cheating. I will not give credit on these questions who have obviously plagiarized another source online. Students need to use their own brains and come up with their own answers. Period.

Third, I have students who are not trying to answer the questions at all. They are writing “IDK,” or worse, “IDFK’ in place of answers (if you don’t know what these acronyms stand for, ask your student). This lack of effort is totally unacceptable and I will not give credit for the questions to any student who answers in this way. If students believed I would not monitor their answers, they were mistaken. The bottom line: if you don’t try, you don’t pass.

I know we are in unusual circumstances, but we all must do what we have to do. That is just the way it is. We are all a bit like sponges. Outsiders cannot see what is inside of us; however, when we find ourselves in crisis – when, in other words, we get squeezed – whatever is inside  us is going to come oozing out for the whole world to see. I am beginning to see some concerning things coming out of too many students during this time when they are  feeling squeezed. Fix the effort problem.

Having said all of that, I know many students are having to balance different roles right now: babysitting, cooking/cleaning, etc. I get it. The truth is that I would rather see a student who is a day or two behind, but doing good work when they can versus a student who is simply rushing through their work and putting forth little to no effort. 

Many of you are working hard and doing your best. I appreciate each of you very much and I know who you are. For those who are coasting, I hope I do not have to address these particular issues again.

Stay safe.


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