Monday, April 13, 2020

Monday Update

 I hope everyone had a great long Easter weekend. Certainly, this year was different than Easters past, but it’s my hope you had a good time with your families.

Students should have been back at their online lessons today. I realize the novelty of online school has worn off by now and your student may be wishing for “the good ol’ days” of regular classes. This is just the way it has to be for now and we must all do the best we can under the circumstances. 

Many students are not logging on because they find the lessons too difficult. Please help get the message across to them that they are going to have to deal with this sort of module-based learning from here on out. I am willing to bet that many of you have had to complete similar type activities for training purposes at your jobs. This is also the way online college courses are done, credit recovery programs in high schools are completed, etc. The students are simply going to have to get where they are not intimidated by these module-based lessons. Even when all the virus stuff is over, these types of lessons are not going to go away completely.

I realize many of your students are having to take on more responsibilities than usual. There may be multiple students in the house and only one computer, making keeping up with the lessons difficult. I totally get it. I really don’t mind a student who is a bit behind as long as when they do the work, they do the best they can. I have far too many students who are taking far too little time on the work and who are typing in answers that ridiculous, make no sense, and, at times, inappropriate. Students need to understand that when they choose to answer questions in this way, I will not allow a retake. They will be stuck with the grade they earn.

I have been asked whether or not we will be returning to school at all this year. The answer is, I don’t know. I do know the Governor has extended the disaster executive order an additional 30 days. Personally, I think it is more likely than not that we will not be going back this year. Understand, that is just my best guess; but, in the case that I am right, it makes the online work that much more important. I hope I am wrong and that we do get back.

I will update again when if I hear anything new. Until then, stay well.


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