Monday, April 6, 2020

Too Many Not Working

Welcome to a new week. I hope this message finds you all healthy and in good spirits. 

I need to ask all the parents reading this to make sure and check on your student’s progress in Edgenuity. There has been a steady decline in the number of students getting their assignments done or, in many cases, even logging on to the program. In order to be up to date on their Texas History assignments, students should be finishing up the third module in the “Texas in the 20th Century” unit titled “Civil Rights and Equal Rights Movements.” By the end of the day tomorrow they should be starting the second unit titled “Contemporary Texas.” The first module in this second unit is called “Texas Leaders in Politics.” If you do not know how to get into the program have your student show you exactly where they are. Far too many students have gotten behind on things.

There is a rumor circulating that may be contributing to the lack of participation on the part of many students. The rumor being, “They are going to pass everyone no matter what.” While it is true a LOT of leniency is going to be shown regarding averages when it comes to whether or not a student is promoted, this rumor is not true. A student who does little to nothing online and who has not contacted school officials regarding a lack of technology in the home, could end up failing the fourth nine weeks. Something else students need to be taking into consideration is whether or not they had failed previous nine weeks. This nine weeks there is going to be a LOT of latitude given. It is a great opportunity to make a decent grade to balance out a rough previous grading period. If a student was already failing when the school closure took place and does little to nothing in the way of work during this time they could be held back. 

Some students have said to me, “I’ll just go to summer school.” There is a VERY real possibility that there will be no summer school this year. Students really need to take that into consideration when they are deciding whether or not to log on and do these online assignments.

Finally, as this is a problem not unique to KISD, the TEA is considering requiring students to have "made some progress" before allowing them to promote to the next grade. This is a very vague statement, but I do not see how a student who does not log on and attempt to complete their assignments could be thought to have "made progress." Do not allow your student to put their fate in the hands of TEA or district administrators. Please, encourage them strongly to do their work.

I know this is a strange time and we all have other worries and matters on our mind. These school assignments should not be #1 on your family’s list of concerns; however, they should at least be ON the list. Again, please have your student show you their progress. If you have questions, please do not hesitate to let me know.

Stay well,


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