Thursday, March 19, 2020

3/19/20 Update

Parents and Students,

I have received word that starting next week (hopefully) classes will resume via an online program called Edgenuity. The district will be sending (if they have not already) an email out to all parents with the details. 

There will be some initial steps parents and students will need to take in order to get online and going. Please do not be intimidated or frustrated by these steps. I have completed about half of the process I need to complete as far as uploading student classes, rosters, and enrolling students in the proper course. It seems to be a very front-end heavy type of thing; once you get rolling, it really isn’t too bad at all and is actually pretty user friendly.

The main thing I need to stress to all my students: you are not on a break or a vacation as of next week. You will need and be expected to take care of your online assignments in a timely manner. Each subject will have the activities for that day neatly mapped out for you. If you do a little bit a day, you will never get behind and stressed. The good news is that you can knock out a full day’s worth of assignments in a couple of hours and then be finished for the day. What you need to understand, however, is that you are going to have to be much more responsible for your own learning than you have been up to this point in your educational careers. If you do not do the work, you will not pass. It is just that simple.

I realize that there are students who do not have online access, computers, or tablets at home. The district is making allowances for that and you should all be receiving instructions on what to do if you do not have adequate technology in the home to do all the work online. Again, YOU will have to be responsible and take the initiative to let the district/campus know your situation and then do what must be done to get the work completed and turned in on time.

You need to all realize that you are living through an historic event; one that will be documented in the history books of the future. The way we handle this unusual and stressful event is going to be the basis for how our generation is remembered. My grandparents lived through World War II and because of the way they conducted themselves are remembered today as “The Greatest Generation.” We all must rise to this new challenge in a similar manner. I have all the faith in the world in each of you. You CAN do this.

I am here to help in any way I can. Once the Edgenuity is set up and running, we will be able to communicate directly via school email and online message boards. We will get through this.

I will update the blog with the latest news tomorrow. In the meantime, please feel free to leave questions in the comment section below. Also, just let me know how you are doing and if you and your family are well.



  1. Thank you so much for keeping everyone up to date and for reaching out in such an inspirational way! You are the only person we have heard from at the middle school. The McMahon family appreciates all you do!

  2. Thank you for the kind words. It is nice to know someone is actually reading the blog, lol. I hope you are all well.

  3. Very well said! Thanks Coach!
