Tuesday, March 24, 2020

3/24/20 Update: One Day Until We Start

As you all are aware by now, we are scheduled to kick off our “online learning” tomorrow morning. Again, please stress to your students that there is absolutely nothing to be intimidated, frustrated, or fearful about any of this. Will there be hiccups and issues that arrive? No doubt about it, yes. Will we handle those problems? Again, no doubt, yes. I really believe once the issues with logging on to the system are worked out and the students get orientated, they will find that things really are not so bad at all. I believe I mentioned in an earlier post that I signed up as a student in the TX History course and was able to complete the entire first unit of work in 41 minutes. Edgenuity had that work spread out over three days. So, we are looking at somewhere between 15-30 minutes per day for my class. I am sure the other core classes are set up similarly. Stress to the kiddos that they can do their work in only a couple of hours and then still have tons of free time.

It is recommended that the students get up at a decent hour and do their classwork during the time period that they normally would if regular school was going on. For example, my first period students would work on TX History work from 8:00-8:50, then English, Math, and Science during whatever periods/times they would normally be in that class. There are various reasons this may not be possible for all of you and it is absolutely fine if a student is working on their assignments at different times. Part of the reason the district recommends this strategy is because that is when they are paying the teacher to be online most of the time (regular work hours). As you know, however, there is nothing “regular” about any of this. I will be online and easier to reach from 8:00-4:00 but will be checking in several times per evening just in case anyone needs help “after hours.” Keep in mind, I’m an old guy and won’t be available ALL night long, lol, but I do not mind helping someone in the evening if the need arises. 

If your student has tested their login capabilities and can get into the Edgenuity program without any problems, they may go ahead and start at any time. I have quite a few students who have already started. If you get to a point where you are not allowed to go on, it is likely due to the fact that I have to look over everything, assign a grade, and then okay the student advancing to the next unit. I will be talking to students via their school emails and will be touching base with parents if your students get more than a day or two behind schedule.

One more time, DO NOT STRESS. We have enough to worry about without letting this online stuff become an additional burden. Log in daily, do your best, and then get on with other things. The effort of the student is going to play a major role in all of this. I ask only that the students try their best and do not give up too quickly. Remind the students that I can see exactly how long they remain on line and can print reports off to show the parents. Again, EFFORT is what we are looking for here.

In a strange way, I am looking forward to tomorrow (headaches and all); I have been bored here in isolation. I am willing to bet that many students feel the same way, though they would never admit it, lol. Just remember, it is all new to everyone. If you have an issue and I don’t reply right away, it is likely because I’m trying to help someone else. Be patient, I'm coming.

See you all online tomorrow.



  1. Firstly, thank you so much for keeping us so well informed throughout this entire process/pandemic. I feel you have done a much better job at keeping us updated than KISD. Secondly, we (here in household) are excited to begin as well. Frankly, I felt out of my depth trying to even figure out where to begin homeschooling. I'm sure all of us parents agree in saying just how greatly you and teachers all over are appreciated!

    1. Well said, fellow overwhelmed parent! I've been helping to strengthen my three school age kiddos in their weaker areas, while juggling our other little one and the rest of the household needs. I had no idea where to really go from there with the homeschooling. All this information is greatly appreciated, as well as the morale boost :) Thanks, Coach!

    2. You are both most welcome. It's a weird time for everyone. We'll get through it!

  2. Hey coach we cannot complete todays assignment

    1. What is the student's name? Your comment says, "Unknown." Once I know the name I will look into it.
