Tuesday, December 13, 2016

9 Weeks Testing, Last Day For Make-up/Late Work

The semester is rapidly drawing to a close. 9 weeks testing is underway. The students took the ELA test on Monday and the Texas History test today. Math is tomorrow and Science is on Thursday.

The absolute last day to turn in any make-up or late work for my class is Wednesday 12/14. I will not accept any work after that as I have to turn in my final grades for the 9 weeks and semester. Anything not turned in by the beginning of class on Wednesday will be recorded in the grade book as a 0.

Friday, December 9, 2016

9 Weeks Test Coming Next Tuesday, Time Running Out To Turn In Make-up Work

The 9 weeks is quickly winding down and time is running out to turn in make-up/late work. I will likely have to turn in my final grades Tuesday evening. That means any make-up/late work will have to be turned in to me no later than the beginning of class on Tuesday. Please check your student's grades online and see what, if anything, they are missing and prompt them to get it done and turned in ASAP.

I took the time to tell every student their average and what, if any, assignments they were missing yesterday and today. Students might choose not to make-up their work but they cannot say they were not told what they needed to do in order to raise their grades.

Below you will find instructions for an assignment covering Stephen F. Austin's original land grant and colony. This assignment is optional for students. Students who choose to complete the assignment need to have it turned in to me no later than the beginning of class on Monday. These assignments will be graded and I will replace the student's lowest summative grade with the grade they make on the SFA assignment.

Our 9 weeks exam covering chapters 4-8 will be next Tuesday. We will review on Monday. Please make sure your student is as prepared as possible for all of their exams next week.

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Correction: Chapter 7 Exam is on TUESDAY 12/6

I need to make a correction to the post below...

The test over Chapter 7 will be on TUESDAY 12/6. Make sure and have your Lesson 1, Lesson 2 and Lesson 3 notes with you for the exam as you will be allowed to use them. Notes, and notes only, will be allowed.

Saturday, December 3, 2016

All You Need To Know

Ok, students, following is all you need to know for the next couple of days...

- If you have not already done so, complete the Chapter 7 - Lesson 1 and Lesson 2 Notes with holes. The Lesson 1 Notes are available on the post below from Tuesday 11/29. The Lesson 2 notes are attached to this post below for anyone who was absent on Thursday 12/1.

- If you have not already done so, complete the Chapter 7 Vocabulary Builder worksheet that was given to you by the sub on Friday 12/2. If you were absent, you can print off a copy of the Vocabulary Builder Worksheet below. This worksheet is due on TUESDAY 12/6 at the beginning of class.

- Print or copy the notes from Chapter 7 - Lesson 3 attached below. You will need these notes for you upcoming test.

- The exam over Chapter 7 will be on Wednesday 12/7. Make sure and have all of your notes completed and with you on exam day. You will need them.

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Chapter 7 - Lesson 1 Notes Review, Out of Class For a While

Today I went over the Lesson 1 notes (Chapter 7) with the students. Each student had the opportunity to hear the correct answers to the blanks I left in the notes handout. The "notes with holes" for Lesson 1 can be found in yesterday's post in case anyone has misplaced them or was absent.

I will be out of the classroom for the next few days for various reasons (department planning, field trip chaperone, workshop). This is not ideal at the end of the grading period but it is just the way the it worked out. I will be available after school for tutoring/make-up work on both Monday and Tuesday of next week.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Welcome Back, Chapter 7 Vocabulary and Lesson 1 Notes with Holes

Welcome back! Things got off to a relatively smooth start yesterday and we are now off and running on the course work for Chapter 7.

The Chapter 7vocabulary was assigned yesterday and will be due tomorrow (Wednesday 11/30). The terms and instructions are located below.

Also, the students were given the Chapter 7 - Lesson 1 notes today; however, the notes have "holes" or blanks in them. The idea is that the students spend less time writing/copying and listening to lecture and more time actually reading the lesson in the book in order to find the answers to the blanks. All answers can be found from page 164-170 in the textbook or in Chapter 7 - Lesson 1 on the online textbook. These are the chapter notes that the students will need to study in order to be prepared for their exam. The notes for Lesson 1 can be found below the vocabulary assignment.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Chapter 6 - Lesson 3 Notes, Open Note Exam Over Chapter 6 Tomorrow

Tomorrow the students will take their exam over Chapter 6. This will be an open notes exam. Please make sure your student has their notes from Lessons 1, 2 and 3 ready to go for the test. The notes for Lesson 3 are directly below. Notes for Lesson 1 and Lesson 2 can be found by scrolling down to previous days posts.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Chapter 6 Vocabulary Builder Worksheet Due, Chapter 6 - Lesson 2 Notes, Test Coming Up Friday

*HOMEWORK ALERT* - The Chapter 6 Vocabulary Builder worksheet will be due at the beginning of class tomorrow (11/16).

The test over Chapter 6 will be on Friday 11/18. I feel it will be best to test on Friday before the students go home for a weeklong Thanksgiving holiday.

Due to the way the schedule has fallen, it is likely the exam will be an open note exercise. Please make sure your student has the complete notes from Lesson 1, Lesson 2 and Lesson 3 prior to the test on Friday. Below are the complete notes for Lesson 2.

Monday, November 14, 2016

Chapter 6 Vocabulary Due, Chapter 6 - Lesson 1 Notes, Read Pages 142-147

We started the heavy lifting for Chapter 6 today. Students started copying the notes for Lesson 1 in class but will need to finish them up on their own tonight and/or tomorrow. The complete notes are below this post.

*HOMEWORK ALERT* - The vocabulary assignment for Chapter 6 is due tomorrow (11/15) at the beginning of class. Also, I have asked the students to read Lesson 1 (pages 142-147) tonight.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

The Zero Problem, Chapter 5 Test Tomorrow, TAG/PAP Project Due Thursday

Parents, I am having a real issue with students not turning in their work. The failure rate in my class is currently very high due to the number of 0's students are getting for assignments they fail to turn in to me. If these grades are not made up soon, or if the trend continues, many students are going to become academically ineligible. This would mean they could not participate in athletics, choir, band or other UIL extracurricular activities. Please check your student's grades and light a fire under them to get their work turned in to me. The sheer apathy I am seeing from the kids is stunning.

Tomorrow, all students will be taking their exams over Chapter 5 - The Early Explorers of Texas. We finished up the chapter notes today and I briefly reviewed the students on what they needed to know for the exam. This will be a true test in that no notes, books or other materials will be used.

Many of the students badly need to make a good grade on this test. Please do your best as a parent to ensure they are well prepared for the exam.

*HOMEWORK ALERT* - TAG/PAP projects over Chapter 5 are due on Thursday 11/10.

Monday, November 7, 2016

Mock Election, Explorers Map, PAP/TAG Project and Chapter 5, Lesson 3 Notes

Today, the students took part in a mock Presidential election. The students chose between the six Presidential candidates, three candidates for U.S. House of Representatives and two candidates for the Texas House of Representatives. After the voting was completed, students were shown a chart of the basic platforms of the two major political parties in order to see if they way they cast their vote matched up to their core beliefs.

After the mock election, the students worked on our final section of notes (Chapter 5, Lesson 3) for this chapter. These notes can be found below. Students will need to complete/print these notes and have them for review in class tomorrow. We are looking at having the test over Chapter 5 on Wednesday 11/9.

*HOMEWORK ALERT*- Regular classes, your reproductions of the map found on page 120-121 in your textbook is due tomorrow (11/8). TAG/PAP classes, your project is due on Thursday 11/10 (see full instructions below notes).

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Chapter 5, Lesson 2 Notes, Reading Assignment

Today, we started the notes over Chapter 5 - Lesson 2. The section starts with the story of the Coronado Expedition. Below is a short video I showed the students that summarizes the Coronado Expedition nicely. Below that are today's notes.

*HOMEWORK*- Read Chapter 5, Lesson 2 in the digital textbook (Pages 126-131 in regular textbook).

Monday, October 31, 2016

Chapter 5 Vocabulary and Vocabulary Builder Worksheet Due Tomorrow, Chapter 5 - Lesson 1 Notes

*HOMEWORK ALERT*- Just a reminder that the Chapter 5 Vocabulary and Vocabulary Builder worksheet are due tomorrow at the beginning of class. We have a grade check coming up on Friday an this is definitely not the time for any student to take a "0" on an assignment.

In class today, we started the notes on the early explorers of Texas and concentrated on the Spanish Conquistadors. Cortes and Pineda were specifically mentioned and Cabeza de Vaca will be discussed tomorrow.

Below are the notes for Lesson 1.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Tests Graded, Chapter 5 Vocabulary and Vocabulary Builder Worksheet Assigned, Behavior for Substitute

Today, I handed out the graded Chapter 4 tests. The grades were good, overall, but not as high as I would have liked. This is especially true considering it was an open notes test. I did go over the graded tests with the students but took them back up when we were done. I will hold on to the tests until students who were absent have a chance to make it up. The grades have been recorded and should be available for viewing in Home Access.

I will be out tomorrow and there will be a substitute in the room. Please stress to your student the importance of behaving well for a guest (which is what I consider a sub). There will be three items the kids will be working on in class tomorrow. The Chapter 5 Vocabulary Assignment, the Chapter 5 Vocabulary Builder worksheet and an reading assignment (Lesson 1 of Chapter 5, Pages 122-125). The due date for the vocabulary and worksheet is Tuesday, November 1. I have attached the vocabulary assignment below.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Chapter 4 Exam Over The First Texans Taken Today

The students took their exam over Chapter 4 - The First Texans today. Due to some unusual circumstances during our study of this chapter, I allowed the kids to use their class notes. Many of the test grades are posted with the rest to follow by this time tomorrow.

In class tomorrow, we will begin Chapter 5 - The Early Explorers of Texas. This is one of my favorite chapters in Texas History.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Open Notes Test Over Chapter 4 Tomorrow!

The test over Chapter 4 - The First Texans will be tomorrow. Due to some circumstances beyond our control, the chapter has been stretched out over several weeks. Because of this, I will allow the students to use their notes for the test. Notes over the chapter can be found, copied and/or downloaded from this blog. Scroll down to the following dates in order to get full copies of the notes:

October 3 - Lesson 1 Notes
October 17 - Lesson 2 Notes
October 24 - Lesson 3 Notes

The exam will be a major summative grade.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Acrostic Poem on Plains Indians Assigned and Lesson 3 Notes

Friday, I taught the students how to create an acrostic poem and then gave them an assignment where they are to do two such poems over two different Plains Indian tribes. Full instructions are below. Please note that the two acrostic poems are due on Tuesday 10/25/16.

Also, attached below are the notes over Chapter 4 - Lesson 3 over the Plains Indians. This information will be very useful to the students as they complete the acrostic poems and when they need to study for their test.

*TEST ALERT* - The test over Chapter 4 is scheduled for Wednesday 10/26/16.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Tri-fold Mini-project over the Tribes of the Southeastern and Gulf Coastal Cultural Regions Assigned

Today, I assigned a "mini-project" over the tribes of the Southeastern and Gulf Coastal Cultural Regions to the students. The assignment consists of a tri-fold that will serve as an informational brochure. Each student was given a piece of blank paper with which to create their tri-fold. Full instructions are below. The tri-fold will be due at the beginning of class on Friday 10/21 and will count as a summative grade.

Monday, October 17, 2016

2nd 9 Weeks Off and Running, Chapter 4 - Lesson 2 Notes

The 2nd 9 weeks is off and running and we picked up our study of the Native American tribes of Texas. We completed Chapter 4 - Lesson 2 notes today which covered the Caddo, Karankawa, Coahuiltecan and Atakapan tribes. Below are the complete notes and some of the photos I shared with the students about the tribes.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Quiz Over Chapter 4 - Lesson 1, Chapter 4 - Lesson 2 Notes Started

The students were given a 10 question quiz over the Lesson 1 notes and reading assignment they had last night. The quiz was the exact same one located at the end of Chapter 4 - Lesson 1 in the online textbook. The grades were mediocre, at best, and clearly shows that the majority of students are simply not putting in any time at all on their own to study and/or prepare for class. Please do what you can to encourage your child to take care of their business as we only have about 2 more weeks left before report cards are issued.

Below are the notes for Chapter 4 - Lesson 2. Make sure your student has a copy of these notes when they come to class tomorrow.

Monday, October 3, 2016

Chapter 4 Lesson 1 - Ancient Texans, Chapter 4 Vocabulary Turned In

We started our discussion on the first Texans today. Discussion centered around how the first people migrated to North America from Asia via the Bering Land Bridge and then spread out across the continent. Next, we discussed what life was like for a hunter-gatherer. The notes for Lesson 1 are below. All students were also assigned a short reading assignment in the textbook. The pages in the hardcopy of the text are 102-105. If you are logging onto the digital textbook, you need to read Chapter 4, Lesson 1.

*TAG/PAP* - The visual vocabulary assignment is due tomorrow at the beginning of class.

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Test Corrections Completed, Chapter 4 Vocabulary Assignments

The test corrections for the Chapter 3 test, on which the students performed very poorly, have been entered and it has helped almost all of the kids quite a bit. I had a few students who simply did not do the test corrections and will have to live with their original score. Please note, I will NOT be doing test corrections like this again. From this point forward, the students are going to have to live with the grade they earn the first time OR come in after school for a retest. Please drill into your students the importance of studying and being prepared for exams.

The vocabulary assignments for Chapter 4 - The Early People of Texas were given to the students on Friday. The vocabulary for my regular classes is below.

*TAG/PAP* - These classes also have a vocabulary assignment to complete; however, they will be going about things a bit differently. Please use the same vocabulary terms shown above and then follow the instructions for "Visual Vocabulary," an AVID strategy, below.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Disappointing Test Scores

Today, the students took their exam over Texas Regions, rivers and cities. To say that I was disappointed with the grades would be an understatement. It is clear that very few students spent any time studying for the test. As would be expected, the scores were very poor overall.

The students will have the opportunity to make test corrections tomorrow during class. If they successfully correct the questions they missed the first time, they will be able to recapture half of the points they lost out upon. For example, if a student scored a 60 the first time, he/she lost out on 40 possible points. If that student does his/her corrections, the score could be raised to as high as an 80 (half of the points originally missed).

I will be out tomorrow so the kids will be working during class for a substitute. If they are serious about passing the test, they will work hard and get these corrections done in a timely manner.

Monday, September 26, 2016

Chapter 3 Test Tomorrow!

The test over Chapter 3 - The Regions of Texas will be tomorrow for ALL classes. The test will consist mainly of labeling the maps below (major cities, major rivers, and regions). The maps below can be printed at home for study and practice. The test will be a major summative grade.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

The North Central Plains Region, Quiz Sheet 3 Due Tomorrow, TAG/PAP Project Due Tomorrow

The students used an AVID strategy called Chapter Preview today to write their own notes over Lesson 3 of Chapter 3, which covers the North Central Plains of Texas. After taking their notes and categorizing the information, the students were given a 10 question quiz/worksheet to complete. This assignment is attached below and is due tomorrow at the beginning of class.

*TAG/PAP*- Remember, your project over the Regions of Texas is due tomorrow at the beginning of class. If you are present for even one period of the school day I expect you to get the project turned in to me; otherwise, it will be considered late. The only exception will be a student who misses the entire day (periods 1-9). The project is a major summative grade so make sure and get it turned in on time.

I am really looking forward to seeing the finished products.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

The Major Rivers and Cities of Texas

We took a bit of a break from pure geography today and discussed the major rivers and cities of Texas in class. Below are two maps the students will see again on test day. The first map shows the location of the 12 major Texas rivers. Students will need to know these by name come test day. The second map shows the location of major Texas cities. Again, the students will need to be able to label these cities on the map on test day.

The maps are intentionally left blank. These are THE maps the kids will need to fill in on the test. I wanted to post them here so that the students could use them to study and practice with prior to exam day.

*TAG/PAP*- Below the rivers and cities maps is the photo of the poster I mentioned previously showing the regions, rivers and cities. This poster gives you a bit of an idea of what I'm looking for on your project.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Chapter 3 Vocabulary Due Tomorrow, Quiz Sheets 1 & 2 Due, *TAG/PAP Project Due Friday

We continued our study of the regions of Texas today by taking a look at the Great Plains. We used an AVID strategy called "Chapter Preview" to do a quick scan of the chapter and to glean what details we could from reading the headings, bold print and captions to photos/maps.

The students were given two worksheets called Quiz 1 and Quiz 2 (attached below) to work on .

*HOMEWORK ALERT*- The vocabulary assignment for Chapter 3 is due tomorrow at the beginning of class. The students have been aware of this assignment since the middle of last week so there should be no reason not to have it completed.

Quiz 1 and Quiz 2 worksheets are also due tomorrow.

*TAG/PAP*- Don't forget, your project over the regions of Texas is due on Friday 9/21. The project will count as a MAJOR summative grade so do your absolute best. Full instructions for the project can be found on the blog entry for 9/15.