Monday, September 19, 2016

Chapter 3 Vocabulary Due Tomorrow, Quiz Sheets 1 & 2 Due, *TAG/PAP Project Due Friday

We continued our study of the regions of Texas today by taking a look at the Great Plains. We used an AVID strategy called "Chapter Preview" to do a quick scan of the chapter and to glean what details we could from reading the headings, bold print and captions to photos/maps.

The students were given two worksheets called Quiz 1 and Quiz 2 (attached below) to work on .

*HOMEWORK ALERT*- The vocabulary assignment for Chapter 3 is due tomorrow at the beginning of class. The students have been aware of this assignment since the middle of last week so there should be no reason not to have it completed.

Quiz 1 and Quiz 2 worksheets are also due tomorrow.

*TAG/PAP*- Don't forget, your project over the regions of Texas is due on Friday 9/21. The project will count as a MAJOR summative grade so do your absolute best. Full instructions for the project can be found on the blog entry for 9/15.

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