Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Technical Difficulties, Chapter 2 Vocabulary Due Date Changed, Chapter 2, Lesson 1 Notes

I have had some trouble over the last two days uploading new material to the class site. It seem that the host servers at Blogger were having some kind of issue and it prevented me from uploading anything new. That problem seems to have been solved and I have uploaded the Chapter 2 Vocabulary terms below. Due to the lateness of the hour before I was able to upload the terms, I have decided to give the students one more day to get this assignment done. That makes the due date Friday, September 9. Students may turn the assignment in early if they get finished sooner than that.

*TAG/PAP - Remember your instructions for this assignment are different. Students were given the choice of doing a traditional vocabulary assignment (see instructions below) or writing an original story in which they use all of the vocabulary terms correctly. Students choosing to do the traditional vocabulary can score a maximum of 85 on assignment due to the less rigorous requirements. Students choosing to do the story can earn a maximum of 100 on the assignment due to the extra time and thought needed to properly complete the assignment.

Also, below the vocabulary terms are the notes we went over in class today (Chapter 2, Lesson 1)

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