Thursday, September 22, 2016

The North Central Plains Region, Quiz Sheet 3 Due Tomorrow, TAG/PAP Project Due Tomorrow

The students used an AVID strategy called Chapter Preview today to write their own notes over Lesson 3 of Chapter 3, which covers the North Central Plains of Texas. After taking their notes and categorizing the information, the students were given a 10 question quiz/worksheet to complete. This assignment is attached below and is due tomorrow at the beginning of class.

*TAG/PAP*- Remember, your project over the Regions of Texas is due tomorrow at the beginning of class. If you are present for even one period of the school day I expect you to get the project turned in to me; otherwise, it will be considered late. The only exception will be a student who misses the entire day (periods 1-9). The project is a major summative grade so make sure and get it turned in on time.

I am really looking forward to seeing the finished products.

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