Friday, September 2, 2016

Quiz Over Chapter 1 and Many Schedule Changes

Today, the students took a test over the important terms and concepts covered in Chapter 1. This test was given in an informal manner. The questions were projected onto the front whiteboard and the kids answered on their own notebook paper. I hope to have the tests graded sometime over the long Labor Day weekend. This will be the first summative grade of the year for the students.

Due to circumstances beyond our control (or at least mine), many students had their schedules changes rather dramatically. I inherited an entire new class from another teacher, had my 4th period class dissolved and those students dispersed among the rest of my classes through out the day. Hopefully, this will not cause too much heartache (or heartburn) for any of the kids. Like I said, it was all due to circumstances we could not control.

Below is a copy of the test I gave the students today. Review it with them and see if they can get an idea of how they did on it.

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