Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Welcome Back, Chapter 7 Vocabulary and Lesson 1 Notes with Holes

Welcome back! Things got off to a relatively smooth start yesterday and we are now off and running on the course work for Chapter 7.

The Chapter 7vocabulary was assigned yesterday and will be due tomorrow (Wednesday 11/30). The terms and instructions are located below.

Also, the students were given the Chapter 7 - Lesson 1 notes today; however, the notes have "holes" or blanks in them. The idea is that the students spend less time writing/copying and listening to lecture and more time actually reading the lesson in the book in order to find the answers to the blanks. All answers can be found from page 164-170 in the textbook or in Chapter 7 - Lesson 1 on the online textbook. These are the chapter notes that the students will need to study in order to be prepared for their exam. The notes for Lesson 1 can be found below the vocabulary assignment.

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