Monday, November 7, 2016

Mock Election, Explorers Map, PAP/TAG Project and Chapter 5, Lesson 3 Notes

Today, the students took part in a mock Presidential election. The students chose between the six Presidential candidates, three candidates for U.S. House of Representatives and two candidates for the Texas House of Representatives. After the voting was completed, students were shown a chart of the basic platforms of the two major political parties in order to see if they way they cast their vote matched up to their core beliefs.

After the mock election, the students worked on our final section of notes (Chapter 5, Lesson 3) for this chapter. These notes can be found below. Students will need to complete/print these notes and have them for review in class tomorrow. We are looking at having the test over Chapter 5 on Wednesday 11/9.

*HOMEWORK ALERT*- Regular classes, your reproductions of the map found on page 120-121 in your textbook is due tomorrow (11/8). TAG/PAP classes, your project is due on Thursday 11/10 (see full instructions below notes).

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