Tuesday, November 8, 2016

The Zero Problem, Chapter 5 Test Tomorrow, TAG/PAP Project Due Thursday

Parents, I am having a real issue with students not turning in their work. The failure rate in my class is currently very high due to the number of 0's students are getting for assignments they fail to turn in to me. If these grades are not made up soon, or if the trend continues, many students are going to become academically ineligible. This would mean they could not participate in athletics, choir, band or other UIL extracurricular activities. Please check your student's grades and light a fire under them to get their work turned in to me. The sheer apathy I am seeing from the kids is stunning.

Tomorrow, all students will be taking their exams over Chapter 5 - The Early Explorers of Texas. We finished up the chapter notes today and I briefly reviewed the students on what they needed to know for the exam. This will be a true test in that no notes, books or other materials will be used.

Many of the students badly need to make a good grade on this test. Please do your best as a parent to ensure they are well prepared for the exam.

*HOMEWORK ALERT* - TAG/PAP projects over Chapter 5 are due on Thursday 11/10.

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