Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Out Today, TAG/PAP Concept Poem Assignment

I apologize for not getting the blog updated earlier. A day off to run various errands and attend a doctor's appointment got considerably more serious due to an unexpected death in the family. I have been a bit distracted due to having to handle some details due to this event.

In any case, I was out today and the students had a substitute. The students should have been issued a Guided Reading assignment that covers Lesson 3 of Chapter 10. The plan is to finish that up tomorrow and begin the process of reviewing information from Lesson 2 and 3.

My TAG/PAP classes received an assignment on Tuesday which is detailed below. The assignment is to write a concept poem from the perspective of a Texas colonist turned citizen soldier in the war for independence against Mexico. The full instructions, and an example of how to use the concept poem format, is below. Each TAG/PAP student present this past Tuesday received this exact handout. I did tell the students to change the due date to Thursday, January 26.

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