Thursday, January 5, 2017

Chapter 9 Vocabulary Due, Lesson 1 Notes, Bullying Presentation

Today, half my classes attended a presentation presented by Bell County officers about bullying. The presentation is informative and well done. Ask your student about it and open up the topic for discussion. The classes that did not attend the presentation today will see it tomorrow.

Notes for Chapter 9 - Lesson 1 were given to the students today (those who did not attend the presentation). These are the "notes with holes." The students were given (or will be given) class time to work on filling in these blanks. The answers can all be found in Lesson 1 of Chapter 9. The students will be responsible for having the information and should have these notes completely filled in no later than Monday 1/9. The notes are available below.

*HOMEWORK ALERT*- The vocabulary assignment for Chapter 9 is due tomorrow at the beginning of class. The vocabulary assignment can be found on the blog post from yesterday.

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