Monday, January 30, 2017

A, B, C's of the Texas Revolution Book, Test Coming Up Wednesday

I was out today due to a jury duty summons. As luck would have it, I was selected to serve on a jury and will be out for an additional couple of days (at least). I am going to be depending on the students to be on their best behavior and take a bit more responsibility for their own learning. Here is what I've got laid out for the next two days.

TUESDAY: Students will continue to work on their A, B, C's of the Texas Revolution book. The students were briefed on this assignment last Friday as I knew I would be out on Monday. The students received a handout today with the full instructions. I have attached this handout below in case anyone misplaces their copy.

Additionally, students will be taking their Chapter 10 exams on Wednesday so they will need to prepare accordingly. Normally, I would put them through a review the day before an exam but that will not be possible this time around due to my jury service. The students are going to have to take the responsibility of preparing for the exam on themselves. Students should be familiar with their vocabulary terms and how to use them (Vocabulary Builder worksheet), the Guided Reading exercises for Lessons 1, 2, and 3 of Chapter 10 and the questions/answers to the Self-check quizzes for Lessons 1, 2, and 3 of Chapter 10 (online textbook). If they are familiar with this information they should be fine on the test.

WEDNESDAY: Students will take the Chapter 10 exam. No notes or extra materials of any kind will be allowed for this exam.

Hopefully, I will be back in the classroom on Thursday. Please continue to check the blog for updates.

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