Monday, May 25, 2020

Semester Ends on Thursday the 28th

I hope you have all had an enjoyable and peaceful long Memorial Day weekend.

I just wanted to remind everyone that my grades are due the morning of Thursday the 28th this week. That means that online work will need to be completed by Wednesday evening. I will check Edgenuity on Thursday morning to make sure I have the latest and most up to date grade for each student before I upload grades.

A reminder of how this is going to work. The students all completed three full nine weeks grading periods prior to Spring Break. Those three report card grades are set in stone and will not be changed. The fourth nine weeks grade will be either the Edgenuity online learning average OR the third nine weeks average (used again), whichever is higher.

If your student did not do well on the third nine weeks, it is imperative they complete and do well on the online lessons. Otherwise, I will have to use that poor third nine weeks grade again. 

The clock is ticking and time is running out. I would really like it if none of my students had to attend summer school (by the way, summer school will be conducted virtually and online). 

I will be monitoring Edgenuity more often over these last few days (I usually check it three times per day). I will check twice in the morning hours, twice in the afternoon, and once in the evening (likely around 7:00-7:30). I want there to be as short a delay as possible should a student need me to unlock a quiz or have a question. Should anyone have a question, emailing me via Edgenuity is going to be the fastest way to get a hold of me.

Stay well,


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