Monday, December 16, 2019

Chapter 9 Test/Study Guide

The exam over Chapter 9 will be given tomorrow (Tuesday, 12-17). The study guide for the Chapter 9 exam can be found below. If students know the information on the study guide, they should do very well tomorrow.

REMINDER: The 9 weeks test will be given Thursday, 12-19.

REMINDER: Any make-up or late work must be completed by the end of the day on Wednesday 12-19. The grade book closes on Thursday.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Chapter 9 - Lesson 1 Notes

We started working on Chapter 9 today. The chapter discusses the early signs of trouble between Anglo-American settlers and the Mexican government which eventually led to the Texas Revolution. The full set of notes is available below.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Chapter 9 Vocabulary Due Thursday

Below are the Chapter 9 Vocabulary terms/assignment. The vocabulary is due on Thursday 12/5.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Chapter 7 Test Tomorrow

Tomorrow, the students will take their exam over Chapter 7. Below is a study guide that should benefit the students greatly. If they can answer the questions below, they will do well on the test tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Chapter 7 - Lesson 3 Notes

Today we completed the notes from Lesson 3 of Chapter 7. The notes are available below. The exam over Chapter 7 will be Thursday 11/12. I will review the material with the students and provide a study guide tomorrow.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Chapter 7 - Lesson 2 Notes, Adams-Onis Treaty Map

Today the students continued working on their Chapter 7 - Lesson 2 notes. Discussed were the reasons for the Mexican people to rise up against Spain, the role of Father Miguel Hidalgo in inspiring the revolution, the Gutierrez-Magee Expedition, and the pirate Jean Laffite. The notes for Lesson 2 and a short video I showed the kids on the lost treasure of Jean Laffite are attached below.

I also assigned a map project. Students are to reproduce a map showing the results of the Adams-Onis Treaty. This map can be found on page 169 in the textbook and also on the online textbook. The map is due Friday and is worth a major summative grade.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Chapter 7 Vocabulary Assigned - Due Tomorrow

The vocabulary for Chapter 7 was assigned today. It is only 11 terms so it is due at the beginning of class tomorrow.

The terms (ignore the due date on the attachment) can be found below.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Chapter 6 Test Tomorrow

The exam over Chapter 6 will be tomorrow. Attached below are the notes from Lesson 3 and a study guide. If your student knows the study guide, they should do well on the test tomorrow.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Chapter 6 - Lesson 2 Notes

We continued the notes over Chapter 6 in class today. Complete notes are attached below.

IMPORTANT: Tomorrow (10/17) is the final day to turn in any late/make-up work, re-take or make-up missed exams, etc.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Chapter 6 - Lesson 1 Notes & Video

We started the notes for Chapter 6 today. The Chapter covers the Spanish Colonial Period in Texas. Below is a video I showed the students in class on the missions. Below that are the notes for Lesson 1.

Monday, September 30, 2019

Chapter 5 Notes Completed, Chapter 5 Exam Tomorrow

The test over Chapter 5 will be tomorrow. Please make sure your student takes a few minutes to look over their notes, vocabulary, and knows the items mentioned in the study guide below.  Attached below the study guide is the final section of notes for the Chapter.

Study Guide:

- Know the routes of the conquistadors/exploreres mentioned as illustrated on the map on page 120 in the book and also available online

- Know the vocabulary terms and their definitions.

- Look over the self-check quizzes for Lessons 1, 2, and 3 of Chapter 5 as found on the online textbook.

- Be able to explain the "Three G's" that the conquistadors were interested in here in the "New World."

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Chapter 5 - Lesson 2 Notes

The full notes for Chapter 5 - Lesson 2 notes can be found below the videos.

Attached are two videos I have shown the students to this point. One video is over Hernan Cortez, who conquered the Aztec Empire. The other is about Francisco Coronado who was the first European to explore the American Southwest.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Chapter 5 Vocabulary Due, New Notes Available

The vocabulary assignment for Chapter 5 is due tomorrow at the beginning of the period. This was originally assigned yesterday (9/4) and the students had most of the period to work on it. Please make sure your student takes advantage of this fairly easy grade.

Also, the notes for Lesson 1 of Chapter 5 are attached below. We are beginning to discuss the Spanish Conquistadors and the Mission System.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Chapter 4 Test Tomorrow, Chapter 4 Worksheet Due Tomorrow

The Gen. Ed. classes were assigned a worksheet over Chapter 4 two days ago. The original due date was today, but I decided to extend it to tomorrow. Please make sure and your student has their worksheet completed and ready to turn in.

ALL classes will take their exam over Chapter 4 tomorrow. Gen. Ed. classes will be allowed to use their notes. PAP/TAG classes will not be allowed to use their notes. Please make sure your student is fully prepared for this important exam.

In an effort to help students be fully prepared for their exam tomorrow, I have attached a "study guide" below.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Remainder of Chapter 4 Notes, Worksheet OR Tri-fold Assigned

Below are the remaining sections of notes from Chapter 4 over the Native American tribes of Texas. Also, the General Education classes were given a worksheet covering Chapter 4 yesterday. They had the class period to work on it and it is due tomorrow.

The PAP/TAG classes were assigned a Tri-fold mini-project. The instructions for this are below. This trip-fold is due on Tuesday 9/24 and will count as a summative grade (ignore date on the instructions below).

Friday, September 13, 2019

Progress Reports Coming Soon, Chapter 4 - Lesson 2 Notes

Parents, progress reports will be coming home next week. They will reflect your student's average as of the end of the day today (9/13). To be honest, many students are off to very poor starts. Some have turned in no work at all. I want to be clear on this - if they do not do the work, they will fail the class. I simply cannot justify passing a student who does not turn in their assignments. Please visit with your student regarding their grades and look for the progress reports next week.

Attached below are the notes on the Native American tribes of the Southeastern Gulf Coast Cultural Region. Students are responsible for this material.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Chapter 4 - Lesson 1 Notes

Today we began discussing how the first people migrated to North America via the Bering Land Bridge during the last Ice Age. We discussed how they lived, hunted, and survived. One of the things we discussed was the development of a spear-throwing stick called an atlatl. Below is a video that shows the creation of an atlatl from start to finish.

Attached below are the notes we took today. Any student who was absent or missed an item or two should print these out.

*Reminder*- The Regions of Texas Geography Project is due one week from today on 9/17. Full instructions are available on yesterday's blog post (scroll down to 9/9 entry).

Monday, September 9, 2019

Geography Project and Chapter 4 Vocabulary Assigned

The Geography Unit project was assigned today in all of my classes. Each student was given a copy of the instructions (see below). The materials required are listed on the instructions sheet. This project will need to be completed at home. We will have very little class time to work on it. This is in line with the Districts's stressing of gradual release of responsibility to the students. In other words, more and more, students are going to be responsible for their own learning. This approach will make them more ready for high school. Below you will find the instructions for the project. Be sure and take note as to which is the project for the Regular Ed. classes and which is for the TAG/PAP classes. Due date for the projects is Tuesday, 9/17.

Also, the Chapter 4 vocabulary was assigned today. The due date for the vocabulary is Wednesday, 9/11.

(Ignore the incorrect due dates on the documents below - the dates listed above are correct)

Thursday, September 5, 2019

More Geography Notes, Open Notes Quiz Tomorrow

Attached are the notes we discussed today in class. They cover the border states (and country), the border rivers, and the types of extreme weather we deal with in Texas.

*IMPORTANT* - There will be an open notes quiz tomorrow over the geography notes (both those attached here and the previous notes attached to an earlier post). Please remind your student to bring their notes to class.

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Geography Notes & Various Assignments

We are now well into the geography portion of the course. Attached below is a copy of the vocabulary assigned today. Students will need to follow the format as noted. The due date for the vocabulary is Friday 9/6.

I have also assigned a couple of sheets on the location of major Texas cities and rivers. I feel it is important for students to know a little bit about where important places and features are in relation to the Killeen/Harker Heights area. I have not yet decided on a due date, but will update here once I do.

Also, attached you will find a few notes covering what we have discussed in class up to this point.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Welcome Back!

Welcome to the 2019-20 school year.  This week has been mostly filled by procedural matters and most of the course work will begin next week. Please make sure your student has something to write with (pen or pencil) and paper EVERY DAY. If your student comes to class empty-handed day after day, they are going to have a difficult time doing the work.

Today I sent two handouts home. The first is my Policies & Procedures handout. It covers my expectations of students, the discipline policy, tutorials, and the grading policy. Please sign this form and have your student return it to me tomorrow. I have attached a copy of the form below in case anyone misplaced theirs on the way home.

I also gave the students a handout explaining how to get on this blog and how to access the online History textbook. Take a look at it and have your students make a trial run on logging into these sites.