Monday, September 9, 2019

Geography Project and Chapter 4 Vocabulary Assigned

The Geography Unit project was assigned today in all of my classes. Each student was given a copy of the instructions (see below). The materials required are listed on the instructions sheet. This project will need to be completed at home. We will have very little class time to work on it. This is in line with the Districts's stressing of gradual release of responsibility to the students. In other words, more and more, students are going to be responsible for their own learning. This approach will make them more ready for high school. Below you will find the instructions for the project. Be sure and take note as to which is the project for the Regular Ed. classes and which is for the TAG/PAP classes. Due date for the projects is Tuesday, 9/17.

Also, the Chapter 4 vocabulary was assigned today. The due date for the vocabulary is Wednesday, 9/11.

(Ignore the incorrect due dates on the documents below - the dates listed above are correct)

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