Friday, December 4, 2015

Chapter 8 - Lesson 2 Notes, Vocabulary Builder and SFA Brochure Due on Monday

Students worked on several items today during class including vocabulary, notes, the vocabulary builder worksheet and the SFA brochure.

The vocabulary builder worksheet and the SFA brochures are due on Monday at the beginning of the period. Please make sure your student completes these assignments. The SFA brochure is especially important as it is a summative grade and will count as the equivalent of a chapter test. It will be difficult, if not impossible, for a student to recover from a "0" on a summative grade.

The notes from Chapter 9 - Lesson 2 are below. Students will need these notes to complete their take home test over Chapter 9 next week. I have also reattached the instructions for the SFA brochure assignment (below the notes).

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