Monday, October 29, 2018

Sensory Poem/Acrostic Due Tomorrow, Chapter 5 Exam Tomorrow

The students were given an assignment to work on in class today. The breakdown is as follows:

TAG/PAP: Students are to complete a sensory poem about the Age of Exploration. They are to put themselves in the place of a Native American who is having to deal with the consequences of European invasion. Paper should include a definition of the Age of Exploration, an illustration, and a chart with the sentence stem "If I was there, I would have heard..." The categories are heard, seen, tasted, felt, and smelled. See example below.

Regular Ed: Students are to create an acrostic using the letters that make up the name of one of the following explorers: Onate, Lasalle, or Moscoso. Students should write these names/letters in a vertical fashion and then think of a word or phrase that starts with that letter that has something to do with that explorer. The first letter of the letter or phrase (that helps make up the explorer's name) should be written a bit larger than the rest of the letters used in the word or term used to describe that person. See example below.

L ost (because he missed the mouth of the Mississippi River and landed in Texas instead)

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