Monday, September 18, 2017

Extreme Weather in Texas, Mini-Project (Regular) Started, Mock-up Due (TAG/PAP)

Today we discussed the six different types of extreme weather that we see in Texas. No one region of Texas sees each of these  types of weather but Texas is so vast - and it's climate so diverse - that a multitude of weather types manifest in the state. The full notes over the lesson today are attached below.

After discussing the extreme weather that occurs in Texas, I showed a short video that detailed the terrible F5 tornado that struck Jarrell 20 years ago. Jarrell is only 25-30 miles south of us and the video makes quite an impression. I have included a link to the video below (I did show the first 2-3 minutes without the sound on as the filmography uttered a couple of profanities. These words were NOT broadcast to the class).

Finally, the TAG/PAP kids turned in the mock-up of their project that is due this coming Friday 9/22. The students will get a daily grade for this mock-up and the final project will count as a major summative grade. I have attached a photo of a map that is referenced in the original instructions as it should help give the students an idea of how the project should look.

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