Monday, March 28, 2016

Chapter 28 - Lesson 2, Modified Schedule Next Two Days

Tomorrow, the 7th graders will be taking the writing/reading STAAR tests. They will spend the morning taking the exam and will be in their testing rooms until lunch. Please make sure your student gets plenty of rest tonight and gets a good breakfast tomorrow morning so that they have their best possible chance to do well on this important test.

Since the 7th graders will be in their testing locations all morning, I will see them for only a very short time, if at all, tomorrow afternoon. Please make sure your student gets the following notes for Chapter 28 - Lesson 2 printed or copied. The students will need these notes for work we will be doing on Wednesday. Students who have the notes printed or copied in their entirety on Wednesday will receive a bonus of 5 points on their next chapter test.

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