Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Wrapping Up Chapter 9, Vocabulary Builder Turned In, Crossword Assignment and Upcoming Test Review

Today, we finished up Lesson 3 of Chapter 9 in the Study Guide. This completes the study guide work for Chapter 9. The exam over Chapter 9 is scheduled for this coming Friday. We will begin reviewing for the test tomorrow.

The students turned in their Vocabulary Builder Worksheets today as they were due. Please check with your student to ensure that they did get this assignment turned in on time. If not, press them to get it in to me ASAP as they will have a grade of "0" on it until it is made up.

The crossword assignment I mentioned in yesterday's post was worked on just a bit today. The kids will likely have most of the period on Thursday to complete it (I will be out on Thursday attending a training session).

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