Thursday, October 8, 2015

9 Weeks Test Review

Today, I drilled the students a bit over the information they will be responsible for knowing for their 9 weeks test next week. After approximately 15 minutes of question and answer-style quizzing, I broke the kids into four groups and had them do some station work. They had to answer questions at four different stations that covered the major rivers of Texas, the major cities of Texas, the natural regions of Texas and the Native American cultural regions of Texas. It was all information that will be covered on the 9 weeks test. I explained that if they were able to recall the answers to the questions easily they should be fine on the 9 weeks test, BUT if they struggled to recall the information they had some studying to do.

The activity and the maps the kids used to answer the questions are below. Feel free to print them off and quiz your student. I'm sure they will love that, lol.

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