Thursday, October 24, 2019

Chapter 7 Vocabulary Assigned - Due Tomorrow

The vocabulary for Chapter 7 was assigned today. It is only 11 terms so it is due at the beginning of class tomorrow.

The terms (ignore the due date on the attachment) can be found below.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Chapter 6 Test Tomorrow

The exam over Chapter 6 will be tomorrow. Attached below are the notes from Lesson 3 and a study guide. If your student knows the study guide, they should do well on the test tomorrow.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Chapter 6 - Lesson 2 Notes

We continued the notes over Chapter 6 in class today. Complete notes are attached below.

IMPORTANT: Tomorrow (10/17) is the final day to turn in any late/make-up work, re-take or make-up missed exams, etc.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Chapter 6 - Lesson 1 Notes & Video

We started the notes for Chapter 6 today. The Chapter covers the Spanish Colonial Period in Texas. Below is a video I showed the students in class on the missions. Below that are the notes for Lesson 1.