Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Chapter 8 Notes and Project

A mini-project was assigned today for Chapter 8 - The Mexican National Era. This is a fun chapter that covers how Stephen F. Austin brought American settlers into Mexican Texas. Below is the full set of notes for Chapter 8 and the instructions for this mini-project. The mini-project will count as a major Summative grade.

*HOMEWORK ALERT* - The mini-project is due on Friday 11/30/18.

Monday, November 5, 2018

Chapter 6 Test Tomorrow, Lesson 2 & 3 Notes, Chapter 6 Study Guide

Tomorrow the students will take the exam over Chapter 6 - Spanish Colonial Texas. Below are notes from Lessons 2 & 3 as well as a study guide for the chapter. If the students have done their reading, paid attention in class, and know the information on the study guide they should be just fine.

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Chapter 6 - Lesson 1 Notes, TAG/PAP Project Due Tomorrow

Today we covered the information from Chapter 6 - Lesson 1 over Spanish Colonial Texas. The notes are attached below.

Reminder: The TAG/PAP project is due tomorrow at the beginning of class.