Thursday, February 15, 2018

Shutting Down the Blog

As the very few of you who visit the blog have no doubt noticed, I have stopped posting assignments and updates here. I will be shutting down the blog for the remainder of the school year.

The reason for this is very simple: nobody is using it. At least not enough people are using it to justify the effort it takes to keep it up. I have a counter on the blog and I am averaging less than two visits to the site per day. Frankly, students are not using it as a resource and neither are any parents. The amount of time I spend updating it is no longer validated by the amount of good it is doing students/parents.

If you need to contact me for any reason, please email me at

Thank you.

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Chapter 10 Vocabulary Assigned

The students started their preliminary work on the events of Chapter 10 today. They started with a standard vocabulary assignment. The assignment and instructions are attached below.

*HOMEWORK ALERT* - Chapter 10 Vocabulary due Friday 2/2/18