Thursday, November 30, 2017

Chapter 7 - Lesson 2 Notes, Adams-Onis Treaty Maps Due

Today we covered the failed attempt of the Gutierrez-Magee led Republican Army of the North to overthrow Spanish rule in Texas. We also touched on the pirates that were making a living in the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean who were using Galveston Island their hideout. Those notes are attached below. We watched a couple of short videos on these topics as well. They are available for viewing below as well.

*HOMEWORK ALERT*- The maps depicting the terms of the Adams-Onis Treaty are due tomorrow (12/1). This is a major summative grade so please make sure your student has their map ready to turn in on time. They have been working on these maps in class for the last 3 days.

Monday, November 27, 2017

Welcome Back, Chapter 7- Lesson 1 Notes

Welcome back. I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving break.

Today we got right back into the grind with a few notes and a short video from Chapter 7 - Lesson 1. The notes centered around the 7 Years War and its results, the decision by Spain to close most Texas missions, and the aid the Spanish gave the Americans during the Revolutionary War against England. The notes are below as is a link to the video we watched today (The Louisiana Purchase will be discussed tomorrow).

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Chapter 6 Test Returned, Chapter 7 Vocabulary Assigned

The Chapter 6 Tests were returned to the students today. This was a major Summative grade so please check with your student to see how they did. Any student who failed the test make re-take it and get up to a 70.

The Chapter 7 vocabulary was assigned. It is due tomorrow at the beginning of class. Please make sure your student completes this assignment. The terms and instructions are below.

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Chapter 6 - Lesson 3 Notes, Mission Drawing Due, "Letter Home" Started

Below are the notes for Lesson 3 of Chapter 6 over Colonial New Spain. Also, the mission drawings will be due tomorrow at the beginning of the period. Originally, these were due today but because of some internet difficulties I was unable to upload the mission picture (below) I promised the students. Due to this delay, I have chosen to bump back the due date to tomorrow.

We will be starting a "letter home" assignment today. The students will assume the role of Spanish priest at a mission, Spanish soldier at a presidio, or Native American co-existing with the Spanish immigrants. Full instructions are below. The due date for the "letter home" is Thursday 11/9.

Friday, November 3, 2017

Chapter 6 Notes, Mission Project, and 11/3 Grade Check

This week we started work on Chapter 6 which covers the Spanish Colonial Period in Texas. Below are notes for Lessons 1 and 2 of the chapter.

The mission drawing (page 145 in the book) is due next Tuesday 11/7.

Today was a UIL grade check day. I have taken the opportunity to send mini-progress reports home via email or letter to the parents/guardians of any student with a grade below 75 to this point in the 9 weeks. Please check your student's grades online at the Eastern Hills School site.