Thursday, April 27, 2017

Chapter 16 Vocabulary Assigned

Today we started work on Chapter 16 which covers the Civil War. Below is the vocabulary assignment the kids worked on today. It is due tomorrow (4/28/17) at the beginning of class.

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Mini-Project Assigned, Chapter 15 - Lesson 3 Notes

Yesterday, students were assigned a mini-project. Full details and instructions are attached below. Please note, the project requirements are different depending on whether or not your student is in a regular or PAP/TAG class.

I have also attached the notes for Lesson 3. We started going over these notes today in class.

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Chapter 15 - Lesson 2 Notes, Vocabulary Builder Worksheet Due

Today the students turned in their Chapter 15 Vocabulary Builder worksheet that was assigned last Thursday. This will be a formative (daily) grade.

We also completed the Lesson 2 notes. Students will need to have their notes with them in class (Lesson 1 and Lesson 2) tomorrow. The complete Lesson 2 notes are attached below.

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Chapter 15 - Lesson 1 Notes, Tornado Drill

The students practiced a tornado safety drill today. The exercise took place during 3rd period and took only about 20 minutes. It did, however, interrupt normal class activities so make sure and ask your student about any homework they might have from their 3rd period classes.

We continued our trip through Chapter 15 today. This is the chapter that explains the process by which Texas became a state. The full notes for Lesson 1 are attached below.

Friday, April 7, 2017

Chapter 13 Test, U.I.L. Grade Check and Chapter 15 Vocabulary

Yesterday, the students took their exam over Chapter 13. The test was in open notes/book format for a variety of reasons. The bottom line is that if your student paid attention in class, took notes and brought their materials to class (as required daily) they should have done very well.

Today, I will be turning in grades for the latest U.I.L. grade check/progress report. This would be a good opportunity for you to check your student's grades/average. Please go online and check. If your student's grades are not where they should be, now would be the time to talk to them and get them back on track...before it is too late.

Finally, the vocabulary for Chapter 15 was assigned today (we are skipping Chapter 14). The vocabulary will be due on Tuesday 4/11. I have attached the terms and instructions below.

Monday, April 3, 2017

Chapter 13 - Lesson 3 Note-taking Exercise

Today, the students practiced their note-taking skills (from a text). They were instructed to create their own notes from Lesson 3 in Chapter 13. I believe that this is an important skill the kids need to get a handle on prior to high school and college. The notes were taken up and the students will receive a grade on them.

I have attached the actual notes from Lesson 3 below. The students should compare what they wrote down to these notes and look for any gaps or missing items.