Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Chapter 13 - Lesson 2 Notes

Today, I went over a note taking and reading strategy called "Chapter preview" with the kids. Chapter preview is an AVID strategy where students scan the chapter and read the large, highlighted, bold, italicized and different colored text only. They also read the captions to photos or diagrams. I attempted to show the students how much useful information could be gleaned using this technique and how much faster it is than just reading the chapter word for word.

Attached are the Chapter 13 - Lesson 2 notes. This is a fleshed out version of the notes the kids took today using the Chapter preview strategy.

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Chapter 13 - Lesson 1 Notes, Vocabulary Builder Worksheet Due Tomorrow

We went over the notes for Lesson 1 of Chapter 13 today. Students are responsible for the material in the notes. I have attached the complete notes below in case any students failed to get them all copied down.

*HOMEWORK ALERT*- The Vocabulary Builder worksheet for Chapter 13 is due tomorrow at the beginning of class.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Chapter 13 Vocabulary and Vocabulary Builder Worksheet

Below is the vocabulary assignment for Chapter 13. This was originally assigned this past Monday. I am posting it here now so that any who were absent or simply did not do the assignment the first time can access the terms. The assignment was due Tuesday 3-21 (yesterday) and the grades were entered today. Students who failed to turn in the assignment on time have 10 school days from today to get it turned in for a maximum grade of 70, per the KISD late work policy.

The Vocabulary Builder worksheet was given to the students today. It will be due on Friday 3/24 at the beginning of class.

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Chapter 12 Test Tomorrow

The test over Chapter 12 will be tomorrow. Please make sure your student is ready for this important summative grade. This will be the last test prior to the 9 weeks test next week. Below is a study guide. If the students know this information, they will be just fine on the test tomorrow.

- Be familiar with the self-check quizzes  for Lesson 1 and 2 of Chapter 12 found on the online textbook. 15 multiple choice questions on the test have been taken from these quizzes.

- Be familiar with the Chapter 12 vocabulary words and their definitions.

- Be familiar with the "Runaway Scrape" and be able to explain what it is and why Sam Houston employed this strategy.

- Be familiar with the Treaty of Velasco's provisions (What did Santa Anna have to agree to and why was part of the Treaty kept secret)

- All students should bring all notes, worksheets and materials to class tomorrow. They will be allowed to use them on the exam. They will be able to use all materials except the textbook.