Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Chapter 21 - Oil and a New Century Mini-Project Assigned

The students were given the instructions for the min-project over Chapter 21 today. The full instructions are below. The likely due date is Friday 5/6/16, though this could be adjusted, if needed.

Monday, May 2, 2016

Cattle and Cotton Mini-Project Due Today, Chapter 21 Vocabulary Assigned

The mini-project (A,B,C Books) over Cattle and Cotton was due today at the beginning of class. While almost all of my students turned in this important summative grade, a few did not. This counts as a major test grade and any student receiving a grade of "0" on it will almost certainly fail for the 9 weeks. Please check with your student to make sure this important assignment was completed and turned in on time. If not, please make sure they have it ready to turn in tomorrow.

The vocabulary assignment over Chapter 21 (Oil and a New Century) was assigned today. This assignment is due at the beginning of the period on Wednesday. I have attached the assignment below.